Monday, March 22, 2010

More carbon work

A new project is the shroud fitting on the upper mast. This is the base of the fitting being vacuum bagged onto the mast. Next I'll remove the piece, shape up the fitting and wrap it in carbon.

Here are the two fittings for the Vang strop and the Mainsheet. The carbon is the cutout pieces from the forward end of the boom, recycled to become the bases for the two fittings. All that's left is a little sanding and some carbon over the top.

Mast base

The mast bases are complete and ready for installation. The heads of the bolts were cut off and the bolts rounded to fit into the receiving end of the mast step.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mast step and Mast base

I got a bunch of great help last night from Robert Harper, President of the Swift Solo class. Robert has been doing some wood turning and was able to free up some time to shape my mast step and bases for the project. He showed some serious skill on the lathe and made quick work of these bases. The first picture is the stock Acetal/Delrin and the second picture is finished pieces. We made two of each just to have a backup set, just in case. Now all that's left is to drill a larger hole for the bolt in the mast base pieces, thread the bolt in and then cut it to length and round it off, that should be done today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Outhaul on boom

The outhaul was finished tonight, now it just waits for the rest of the boat to be finished in order to get the line lengths right. All that's left for the boom is to finish the vang strop and mainsheet brackets and those should be done within about a week.

The sticker is an old name. WitchCraft Boats. When I used to build 505s, only a couple of them but maybe someday I'll go back to it...