Thursday, October 21, 2010


The foredeck is now bonded with plexus and while not yet a thing of beauty, it will hopefully be a lot prettier in the coming couple of weeks with fairing and tabbing to be started shortly. The deck is following soon and then we'll begin the finishing work and the racks.

Friday, October 15, 2010


The boom is now complete. A spliced vang strop and mainsheet as well as the mainsheet ratchet are now on. This will be tossed into the boom bag and stored until rigging day in the Spring.

Bad idea

Even with earplugs, a respirator, glasses and work gloves on, it doesn't mean you'll be safe from carbon dust. After taking everything but the gloves off I felt the urge to scratch the itch by my eye and this is what resulted...sweet. Next time I'll have to make sure to take the gloves off before I get any more bright ideas.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Foredeck outer skin

Luckily the cooler weather somewhat broke to allow the outer skin to be laminated today. That's done and a little more time in the sun tomorrow to post-cure should be just the ticket. The second picture is of two fittings, the fitting for the shrouds on the upper mast section and the fitting on the boom for the mainsheet. Both were bagged together on the layup table and should be ready for some clear-coating tomorrow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New foredeck

The inner skin and core under the vacuum bag still after spending some time post-curing in the sun and clouds of Park City today. Unusual to have clouds and of course they had to show up on the day I needed some backing sun but oh well.

Due to the slow to cure resin today I have to postpone the outer skin of the foredeck but the plan is to do it later this week or next weekend for sure. In the meantime I'll likely start to install the main foil trunk and the tube for the wand rod to pass through in preparation for the foredeck to go on.

Work weekend continues

Last night we pulled the main foil trunk off the vertical with some difficulty. The trunk is built like a brick ___ house and is so stiff that it wouldn't budge well. With some wood wedges and a lot of work the trunk is off, looks great and fits snugly when the plastic is off the vertical. This picture is of it untrimmed and overlength. There's also a picture of the foredeck area of the boat. It's ready for the inner skin and core to be laminated this morning.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

When skiing and sailing mix

My wife thought of the ski bench that is the perfect way to hold the main foil horizontal and upright so that we could lay up the trunk. What a nice feature to have the right ski tools that make it easier to accomplish the task for the sailboat. The pump is still running as I write and the trunk should be built and ready to be shaped by the end of the day. Lots of layers on this trunk in order to make it strong enough, especially near the top where the pin goes through the foil.

Main Foil bulkhead (part two)

Sometimes it's hard to explain the "madness" of why you're making changes to the build but I had to try to explain my way out of this one, building and installing a new main foil bulkhead when there was a perfectly good one installed already. Long story short, it's done, there's two now and the aft one (to the right in the picture) is coming out later today. I've moved the main foil bulkhead about 15cm further forward. Next up today is to finish the layup of the main foil trunk followed a few hours later by the inner skin and core of the foredeck.

Foredeck male mold

Not having a deck mold has made things a bit more challenging so this is the result. A male mold made of 1.5mm plywood that's been steam bent to make the radius is what is needed. A little more finish work to create the nose piece and we'll start to skin it later today, October 2nd.