Sunday, January 30, 2011

Moth + Progress = Mothress

Nothing worth taking a picture of at the moment but yesterday was spent re-finishing the boom. I swapped out two internal blocks in the boom for Harken T2 29mm blocks and the outhaul block with the shackle is now a Harken Micro. I also created a clew strap out of vectran. It took me two tries but the second one went well and it was the perfect length.

I may be skipping skiing alpine today in order to get back to work on the racks.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Racks - Step 2:

Step 2 is the aft rack set. I've spent two hours today cutting and fitting the aft bars to the outer bars and then the aft bars to each other in the center. I'm just about finished. I have another 20-30 minutes of fitting in the center of the boat left and I'll start to bond the aft wing bars. The holes in the outer wing bars are about perfect and the ends of the aft bars that recess into the outer bars have been rounded accordingly so that they meet up with the inside of the outer wall of the wing bars. The goal is to wrap these up tomorrow night and Tuesday, work on fitting the king post on Wednesday and then work on the forward rack set towards the end of the week and weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Racks - Step 1:

Step 1 of the racks is to build a jig that holds the outer bars in place so that I can size and shape the aft and fwd rack tubes. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to focus on the aft rack tubes and get them fitted and bonded. Next week I'll work on the fwd tubes.