Monday, April 25, 2011

Back to work

There's not much worth taking pictures of at the moment but I've back to work. Projects included fairing, clear coating the forward and aft racks, working on the port rack support, fairing and a couple of other odds and ends. Tonight is round two of clear coating along with...fairing. Part of my plan to ensure that the racks cure quickly enough is to load them into my car and bring them to work down in Salt Lake City. The extra heat down here during the day should speed the process up. It's an oven on wheels.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Special Delivery...

Well, they came via UPS ground today. The pair of sexy wing covers from Kinder Industries in Bristol, RI. Phil Kinder is great to work with and the covers look amazing. Check them out for yourself...the underside of the Port wing cover has the air bag inserted. Time to wrap up the boat and get sailing!

A quick aside. Park City Sailing Association held their 1st Annual SkiGatta, sailing one day and skiing the next. I eeked out a couple of fourth place finishes which earned me third overall after the scoring was averaged. Pretty stoked to finish there. I have never run gates before and had borrowed an older Laser to sail and it worked out just fine. Thanks PCSA! I can't wait until next year's!