Wednesday, June 15, 2011

She ain't a looker but she'll do

Here's where the boat is at the moment. I'm dialing in the gantry, wand system and racks over the next few days. The boat will be primed in a week or so and ready for a test sail soon.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting closer...

I should probably suck it up and take a picture but there hasn't been much to see recently. I've been fairing the hull a little here and there and doing other work. This morning I finished clear coating the forward and aft racks. The other day I vacuum bagged the forward rack supports with a layer of carbon. Tonight after some Laser sailing I'll probably remove the tape from the racks and start mounting the Harken 291 cleats on the forward rack set. Tomorrow night I'm planning to work on the gantry fitting and some more fairing work.

All in all, it's coming along. I hope to be sailing it soon. The rigging is about complete. I have to drill the hole for the boom but otherwise the rigging is nearly complete. The wand system will go together starting this weekend as I've already been working on that as well.

We'll see...